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FIT FOR DUTY. FIT FOR LIFE. Cookbook (E-Book) - 90 Recipes

FIT FOR DUTY. FIT FOR LIFE. Cookbook (E-Book) - 90 Recipes

$ 24.99

This FIT FOR DUTY. FIT FOR LIFE. Cookbook is a tool to help you WIN in the kitchen so that you can have the peace of mind on how you need to eat so that you can accomplish your goals. This is not a diet book but rather a gameplan… a gameplan of simple, great tasting recipes all compliant with your 10 Habits. There are no quick fixes, for you to WIN in your nutrition, it starts in the kitchen with you planning and preparing.

Making the best food choices is your secret weapon in the quest to get your best body ever. Making these wise decisions will help you boost your metabolism, burn fat and increase your energy. In this FIT FOR DUTY. FIT FOR LIFE. Cookbook we remove the decision making for you and have built out the RIGHT recipes so that you can be compliant and WIN ALL DAY.

The best and only way to accelerate your results is to change your eating habits. Nutrition is about 75% responsible for how your body looks, feels and performs. The 10 Habits along with this Cookbook will not only give you the answers to your questions, but solutions that guarantee your results – all by making a few small changes to the way you eat. Yes…Nutrition is that powerful! Now don’t expect to start eating perfectly tomorrow, just like setting your fitness goals, you must be realistic and learn how to plan and prepare.

Begin by slowly building up to making better choices than the day before. Conquer one day at a time and initially 2-3 improvements each week will turn into long term success. Making these small nutritional changes will quickly add up to amazing results as you gain control over your eating and conquer your metabolism.

If your goal is to create a positive physical change, you must understand how food affects your body.


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